As of April 29, 2020 all of my compositions are available in the form of either PDF’s or sheet music from JWPepper www.jwpepper.com, and Theodore Front Musical Literature www.tfront.com. All are also available only in PDF form from Sheet Music Plus www.sheetmusicplus.com.
Compositions with double-reed instruments playing prominent roles, such as wind quintets or octets, or solo with piano, are available in PDF or sheet music form from Forrest’s Music www.forrestsmusic.com. As of this writing they are available only in sheet music form from Trevco Music www.trevcomusic.com. This outlet has recently been purchased by T. D. Ellis Music Publishing and we are discussing adding PDF’s to their collection. Updated information about that source will be added here if possible or by contacting them. .
Institutions and libraries that have some of my compositions are: San Francisco Public Library, Oakland Public Library, Duke University, University of Iowa in Iowa City, University of North Texas, University of Pittsburgh, Oberlin College, University of Oregon, Brigham Young University, and Yale University. This list is based on information from Theodore Front, Inc. regarding their sale of one or more of the first eight compositions that they obtained from me. I will not attempt to ascertain locations of individual compositions.